22 Aug 2016
25 Sept 2012
An Installation in the exhibition: "Estomania - Art from two Shores", Finnish -Estonian mini festival, Gallery Oksasenkatu 11. Helsinki, august 2012
Installation view, gallery Oksasenkatu 11
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A collection of educational and propaganda posters, and of other material from the times of Estonian Soviet Republic. Most of the material has been found in abandoned civil and military structures, ruins and underground bunkers from the era of Soviet occupation.
The collection has been gathered on expeditions*) to different regions in Estonia between years 2004 - 2010.
*) Department of ancient relics/ exploration dept. / propaganda department / wasteland department / department of political geography / department of landscape studies/ underground department
The collection has been completed by donations by Villu Jaanisoo,
Henriikka Härkönen, Otso Kantokorpi and Tero Kontinen.
Educational poster from the series: "How to make a propaganda ehxibition".
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Nuclear weapons transport equipments
The growft of U.S. defence costs
Installation view
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Hydro - acoustic systems of possible enemy, hand-drawn educational poster from Paldiski submarine base, donation by Professor V. Jaanisoo
Installation view
Occupational safety poster from USSR
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Occupational safety poster from USSR
Installation view
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Paint production facilities with bright colours!
Soviet driving school poster

Soviet driving school poster
Installation view
Civil defence poster: Operations and reconnaissance after nucler attack
"Perestroika is the new direction of party reform"
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Installation view
RGS Propaganda department is very sorry because of poor russian - english translations in this page.
7 Aug 2011
Jussi Kivi
Entrances I - topographical studies of light and shadow
Funnel quarry, north end seen from south
pencil 32 x 24 cm 2011
Funnel quarry, north end seen from south
pencil 32 x 24 cm 2011
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3 Aug 2011
III. Joint World Conference - MEETING OF THE GHOSTS
Organised by Romantic Geographic Society ( R.G.S.) and The School of Esoteric Geography (S.E.G) ETC. Helsinki, Finland 12.3.2011
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Conference summary in finnish - link to the blog of The School of Esoteric Geograhpy
Group shot of the participants in the map room
High level conversations during the break
Presentations and lectures were followed intensively at all levels
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Conference summary in finnish - link to the blog of The School of Esoteric Geograhpy
2 Aug 2011
II. World Conference - OUT OF MAP
II. World Conference organised by Romantic Geographic Society and The School of Esoteric Geography 27 -28 of Feb. 2010 in Suomenlinna fortress-island, Helsinki, Finland.
Group shot of participants at the old execution place
Photo: Veli-Matti Rintala
Link to conference summary in The School of Esoteric Geography blog (in finnish):
28 Aug 2010
16 Nov 2009
Besenhorster Sandberge fairies
Besenhorster Sandberge ruin area is in the outskirts of Hamburg.
In the days of second world war there was a nazi gunpowder factory with it's slave workers.
The factory was bombed in the war and today the ruins are surrounded by forest.
In this picturescue project these forest ruins were photographed and renamed with
romantic names in the spirit of Schubert and other important german romantics.
The photographing project was a part of the exhibition and research project
"Mapping a City, Hamburg Kartierung" and it was shown atKunstverein in Hamburg
from november 2003 to february 2004. Photos: Jussi Kivi

House of Enigmas
Haus der Rätsel
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Tree of Knowing
Baum des Wissen
Hottentot House
The Pavillon
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13 Oct 2009
7 Oct 2009
Installation in Ars Fennica 2009 exhibition

Dead spruce - dead pine, installation view (detail)
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Forest edge - primeval forest in moonlight (detail)
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First snow - small forest pond in the boreal forest belt surrounded by old forest and gradually being taken over by swamp vegetation in the moonlight after a snowfall. (Diorama)
Installation by Jussi Kivi in the exhibition Ars Fennica 2009 in Contemporary Art Museum Kiasma, Helsinki.
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5 Oct 2009
4 Oct 2009
1 Oct 2009
An Expedition to the Little Night River 1995
In August 1995 a group of finnish, russian and komi biologists and artists mounted a joint expedition to the Voi-Vozh river valley in Komi, North Western Urals.
The Voi-Vozh river runs between the Pechora plains and the Urals Mountains. It's a low tributary of the River Bol'shaya Synya which runs to river Usa, which in turn is a tributary of the Pechora River. In the Komi language, the points of the compass and the times of day are indicated with parallel constructions. The small southern branch of the river is called Day-River: the northern branch is the Night-River.
The area is closed in by thick impassable forest, and is therefore entirely uninhabited. It constitutes the single largest area of untouched forest on the European side of the continent. This remote and lonely region is dominated by dark forests, bogs, mountains, wild animals and millions of blackflies. Here, the human species (homo sapiens) exerts minimal influence.
The place therefore affords unique opportunities for obseving and studying "The UNTOUCHED."
The artistic aim of the expedition was to study untouched, pristine nature as a mytchical concept. This entailed viewing expedition itself as a mythical rite converging on pristine nature. The scientific interests focused on botany, zoology, ornithology, ecology and hydrobiology. Homever, the environment seemed supremely indifferent to our aims!
The expedition was organised by Pori Art Museum, Frame - finnish fund for art exhange and Komi University/ Biological department ( Syktyvkar. The Artistic results of the project was presented as a part of the exhibition "Strangers in the Arctic"
in Rundetaar, Gopenhagen, The Art Museum of Atheneum, Helsinki and The Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto. (1996-97)

Map: Ural mountains and Pechora plains in the surroundings
of River Voi-Vozh and River Vangyr. 1995
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The horizon of Urals from north to south-east seen from the point: 65°57N/55°58E
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