16 Nov 2009

Besenhorster Sandberge fairies

Besenhorster Sandberge ruin area is in the outskirts of Hamburg.
In the days of second world war there was a nazi gunpowder factory with it's slave workers. 
The factory was bombed in the war and today the ruins are surrounded by forest.  
In this picturescue project  these forest ruins were photographed and renamed with
romantic names in the spirit of Schubert and other important german romantics.

The photographing project was a part of the exhibition and research project
 "Mapping a City, Hamburg Kartierung"  and it was shown atKunstverein in Hamburg 
 from november 2003 to february 2004. Photos: Jussi Kivi

House of Enigmas
Haus der Rätsel

ENLARGE: Click the image


ENLARGE: Click the image

Tree of Knowing
Baum des Wissen

Hottentot House

The Pavillon

ENLARGE: Click the image

Wanderer's Path
Plad der Wanderer

ENLARGE: Click the image